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contoh kalimat school day

"school day" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He has missed an unacceptable number of school days.
    Dia sudah terlalu banyak tidak masuk sekolah.
  • You do remember your high school days, don't you?
    Anda ingat hari tinggi Anda sekolah, kan?
  • "Primary school day" sounded like "primary school".
    "hari pertama sekolah " kedengarannya sprt "sekolah pertama (SD) ".
  • It says here that your school day finishes at two.
    disini tertulis, jam sekolah bubar jam 2.
  • Have you ever painted since your school days?
    Apa Anda pernah melukis sejak Anda sekolah?
  • He came to politics in his early school days.
    Ia bergabung pada politik pelajar pada tahun-tahun awal.
  • 'It all started in Punjab during my school days.'
    Semuanya dimulai di Punjab, tempat sekolah ku semasa kecil
  • That's what people have been calling me since my school days.
    Begitulah aku dipanggil saat aku masih sekolah.
  • She is a trained classical dancer since her school days.
    Dia adalah penari klasik terlatih sejak masa sekolahnya.
  • We relived our old high school days.
    Kami kembali ke masa sekolah kami.
  • Just think of it as the school day you missed.
    Anggap saja ini sebagai hari sekolah yang kau lewati.
  • Abdur-Rahim was a standout player during his high school days.
    Abdur-Rahim merupakan seorang pemain yang menonjol selama masa sekolahnya.
  • He also developed interest in acting during the school days.
    Ia juga mengembangkan pemahaman dalam akting pada masa sekolahnya.
  • During your school days, policemen wore shorts.
    polisi masih pakai celana pendek.
  • I mean, for your first school day.
    Maksudku, untuk hari pertama sekolahmu.
  • Eighty school days left before you leave for Louisville.
    Tinggal delapan hari lagi bersekolah sebelum kamu pergi ke Universitas Louisville.
  • Some schools offer tutoring during or after the school day.
    Beberapa sekolah menawarkan bimbingan selama atau setelah waktu sekolah berakhir.
  • I envy you your school days.
    Aku iri pada masa sekolahmu.
  • They say your school days are the best days of your life.
    Mereka bilang masa sekolah adalah masa terbaik dalam hidupmu.
  • All right, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then.
    Baiklah, berarti aku menunggu sampai pulang sekolah.
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